Registrations 2023

Are you in? Great idea! An endless number of magical moments are waiting for momentos mágicos te están esperando.

For your registration to be effective, we will need you to fill in a small form and pay the 20 euro fee (details on the form).  But first, two little things!

  1. Prices:

If you are a student or are in a financial situation that could prevent you from participating, please contact the organization.

  1. We will need some help for some tasks. If you want to volunteer for the festival, please let us know in the form. 

Some of the jobs to be done can be, for example :

  • Before the festival: put up posters, set up the stage, set up the drinks txoko, take photos and videos, set up the reception, decorate..
  • During the festival: giving information to people arriving, tidying up the drinks table, cleaning showers and toilets, welcoming the musicians, registering, taking photos and videos…
  • At the end of the festival: tidy up and clean up.

Now it’s the moment, registration is here!